Hay It's time to celebrate your new year with us. Come, let us rock it up!
pondy home stay


Pondicherry, officially known as Puducherry, is a union territory in India, located on the southeastern coast of the country. It was a French colonial settlement until 1954, and traces of its colonial past are evident in the architecture, culture, and cuisine of the region. The town is characterised by its well-planned streets, vibrant colors, and a unique blend of Tamil and French influences. The French Quarter, with its colonial buildings, cafes, and boutiques, is a major attraction. Auroville, an experimental township focused on human unity and spiritual growth, is also situated nearby. Pondicherry is known for its serene beaches, such as Promenade Beach and Paradise Beach, as well as the Aurobindo Ashram, which attracts spiritual seekers from around the world. The town's diverse cultural heritage, coupled with its tranquil atmosphere, makes it a popular destination for tourists seeking a blend of history, spirituality, and relaxation.


34 Rue Dumas - Pondicherry ( Pondicherry )


+91 90870 19111



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